
h Nee Mah is a side project of prolific producers David and Diane Arkenstone, who explore the sounds of the Native Southwest within the context of tribal atmospheres. Their first few albums under the moniker proved to be pleasant, earthy affairs, conjuring up visions of canyons and dusty plateaus; ANCIENT VISIONS continues down that same road. The Arkenstones’ mutual flair for semi-dramatic, colorful melodies is evident on each of the album’s nine tracks, often featuring Native flute in the forefront while light rhythm, guitar, symphonic synths and natural sound effects (wind, animal sounds) dance in the backdrop.
1998: The Spirit Of Mesa Verde (256 kbps)
2000: The Spirit Of The SouthWest (128 kbps)
2001: Ancient Voices (320 kbps)
2001: Spirit Of The Canyon (320 kbps)
2002: Grand Circle (256 kbps)
2005: Ancient Vision (320 kbps)

The Agricantus born in Palermo, Sicily, in 1979.
Their music is placed between ethnic music, ambient and trance. With “Tuareg” they arrive to the success in Italy and Europe.
Recorded in the desert of the Mali, with the participation of nomadic musicians and the use of traditional instruments, the album adjudicates
the Prize Tenco 1996 and the sixth place of classifies of the World Music Charts Europe of the same year.
In every album ancient and modern sounds are interlaced with the use of traditional musical instruments of different countries. They also sign sounds of various movies and for theatre.
1993: Gnazu (256 kbps)
1998: Tuared (128 kbps)
2005: Ethnosphere (Vol.2) (vbr)
2005: Habibi (192 kbps)
2007: Luna Khina (128 kbps)

01. “Ere the World Crumbles…” 2:04
02. The Sands of Forgetfulness — Tortage Beach 2:46
03. The Damp Barachan Nights 3:23
04. The Awakening — Hyborian Adventures 1:57
05. The Arrival — Cimmerian Welcome 3:13
06. Nighttime Journey Through the Eiglophian Mountains 3:23
07. The Vista from Mount Crom 2:18
08. The Lure of Atali 3:30
09. Phalanx of Conquest 3:13
10. Field of the Dead 3:41
11. Echoes of Atlantis 2:29
12. Hamlets of Aquilonia 1:53
13. Behold! Tarantia — Royal City 3:24
14. Hymn for King Conan 3:04
15. Awash in the Golden Fields of Poitain 2:24
16. Foundations of the Temple — Mitra 1:54
17. Akhet — Portal to Stygia 3:18
18. Beyond the Pyramid — Sunrise in Khopshef Province 2:59
19. The Purple Lotus Swamp 2:58
20. Kheshatta — City of Mages 2:23
21. The Black Ring Citadel — Final Memory 3:19
22. Combat Reborn I: Stygia 3:12
23. Combat Reborn II: Cimmeria 3:12
24. Combat Reborn III: Aquilonia 2:33
25. Memories of Cimmeria 3:30
2005: Original Soundrack (collector edition) (320 kbps)
The Afro Celt Sound System is a musical group which fuses modern dance rhythms (trip-hop, techno, etc.) with Celtic and African influences. It was formed by Grammy-nominated producer-guitarist Simon Emmerson, and is considered to be somewhat of a world music supergroup, often having a wide range of guest artists on their albums.
Their albums have been released through Peter Gabriel’s Real World Records, and they are also reportedly the best-selling band on the label, only exceeded in sales by Gabriel himself, and their striking live performances have often become the highlights of the WOMAD concert festivals. They signed a contract with Real World obliged to release five albums, of which the 2005 release Anatomic is the last; at this writing it is unclear what path the band will take in the future.
In 2003 they changed their name to the simpler Afrocelts; however, two of their latest albums, Pod, a compilation of new mixes of songs from the first four albums, and their fifth studio album Anatomic uses the long and familiar form. This decision is apparently affected by the fact that they seem much more well-known as Afro Celt Sound System around the world.
1996: Volume 1: Sound Magic (vbr 192 kbps)
1999: Volume 2: Release (vbr 192 kbps)
2001: Volume 3: Further In Time (vbr 192 kbps)
2003: Volume 4: Seed (vbr 200 kbps)
2004: Volume 4.5: P.O.D. (vbr 200 kbps)
2005: Volume 5: Anatomic (vbr 200 kbps)
2010: B&W Capture: Chorus (320 kbps)

1990: The Artic (256 kbps)
2000: From A Long Forgotten Future (192 kbps)